Microsoft Azure – EN

Microsoft Azure
Online Universal solutions for your company

About brand

If you plan to create an effective online solution for your company, we recommend using the Microsoft Azure platform. It provides a wide range of cloud services, where you can choose the one that suits your area the best. Such services allow you to deploy and manage work programs with a wide range of tools.

Many companies have proven in practice that the use of Microsoft Azure makes the corporate computer more productive, while removing the load from it. This is a chance to create quality management at all levels and optimize workflows.

Microsoft Azure services are growing every day. Products include innovative developments in the IT field, the proper use of which guarantees the prosperity of your business.

Cloud technologies, which some time ago were considered as something special, are now actively used in various areas of business.

Top Azure services are:


Virtual Machines


Visual Studio








Business Analytics and others.

The platform represents more than a hundred services in the information technology market. They solve the most time-consuming computational problems, controlled by clear tools that are comfortable for the user.

Interesting to know

Microsoft Azure cloud services provide storage of any data capacity with the multilevel protection. Its guarantee is a modern security service. Software is configured to repel hacker attacks. All virtual services interact with any physical equipment: PCs, Mac laptops, tablets or smartphones. Many IT solutions based on Microsoft developments include artificial intelligence.

Success / Evolution / Progress

Fine balance of complex IT solutions

Time to upgrade your IT​


Mitibi LLC & Microsoft Azure

Using the Microsoft platform, in which the Azure cloud plays a key role, is relevant for both small online stores and large enterprises. For the former one, there is a wide range of solutions in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing.

For large companies, it is advisable to create a hybrid reality based on the Azure cloud. It allows you to solve problems of production management and automation easily. It is customizable, equipped with tools according to the customer needs.

Some examples above. If you are interested in the capabilities of advanced cloud technologies, contact our company. We help to implement IT-infrastructure for your enterprise, proceeding from features of production activity. We select the optimal set of services, train employees and, if necessary, provide advice. Microsoft Azure platform cost depends on the complexity and scale of the Internet architecture, the number of products used and the functionality of each of them.

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