In recent years, the activity of cyber-criminals has reached an incredible and most threatening scale. Cyber-criminals work very effectively. They are creating of new products that find a new ways for damage infrastructures commercial and government companies.
These cyber-attacks inflict incredible damages: they stop the work of companies, bring a lot of losses and can make companies the bankrupt.
Cyber-attacks can cause even more damage to government enterprises, stopping the operation of critical infrastructure facilities.
Today the average cost of single ransomware attack is $1.85 million. According to analytics by 2025 cybercrime will damage to companies in the world on $10,5 trillion. The growth rate is very colossal, considering that in 2015 the losses amounted to 3 trillion dollars.
Why cybercrime has so incredible “wins”?
Technology development and possibility to work outside corporate network opened to cyber-criminals new ways permeation to any infrastructure and dealing incredible damage. COVID-19 had itself negative role in this situation because we must adapt to new reality and started to work at home.
We lost control on the network and devices. Therefore, devices have become one of the way for cybercriminals to cause harm.
Microsoft as one of the world’s leaders, which creating and improving security products all time, approached the issue of device protection, state analysis, possible ceber-attacks and proactive response in sufficient detail. Microsoft created the product – Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and it gives maximum possible protection against cyber threats today, especially in collaboration with other Microsoft Defender products family.
Microsoft Defender for endpoint gives possibility of advanced detection of attacks, which occur in real time and tools to prevent them. Besides, this service analysis in detail device status: applications, network, etc. It gives recommendations for some actions, which help to create barrier and protect the device.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint has Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, access to world databases with information about behavioral nature of cyberattacks. MDE collecting behavioral cybertelemerty all time and everyone analytic can research in details all processes and time to time to start “Hunting”.
In next articles I will tell you functional of the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in details, which possibilities it has and how to effectively use effectivity if this product.
Your Anna Varenyk.